‘Together we create a better world’
At VLTT we realize projects that are at the core of our society. We feel responsible for the impact we have on the environment and the people who live there.
Our CSR policy is no different than asking the question: “What is most important in our local society?” This often comes down to being able to live and work together well. We sincerely support projects, that strengthen this social cohesion, with our resources, materials and even lending a hand.
Cor Werkt Beter is part of VLTT. At Cor Werkt Beter everyone with a limited work capacity is welcome to be helped on their way to paid work.
At Cor young and old looking for work, are provided with basic skills. VLTT helps to find suitable internships and jobs for them and intensively coaches the participants in order to prevent premature and unnecessary dropout.
Cor Werkt Beter was launched by VLTT three years ago in 2017 and is a successful employment initiative with over 150 projects in progress that revolve around the re-use of existing materials. 175 people have participated so far. They have all been able to take a step in their journey to get to work. Some of them are employed within our own organization, others were connected to our network. If we need extra workforce we always try to look at our Cor Werkt Beter community first. This way we benefit from it ourselves and at the same time people who are distant from the labour market have a nice advantage as well.
If you’re involved in society like VLTT is, it is almost self-evident that sustainable handling of supplies, re-use of materials and minimal pollution are of paramount importance to us. For our staff it is common sense to think with us to always find the most sustainable solutions.
As an important part of our CSR policy, VLTT is committed to reducing its CO2 carbon emissions. This means that we strive for a substantial energy efficiency in our workplace and our projects. VLTT uses the CO2 Performance Ladder to keep these goals on track. We also involve external suppliers and partners if necessary. We start from level 3 on the ladder. In addition to VLTT, the Kleywegen Group (of which VLTT is part) also has the ambition to reach the highest level on the performance ladder. Below you’ll find all the documents in regards to the CO2 Performance Ladder.
View CO2-Performance Ladder hier